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FilidorO arose of the union of Filip and Dorothee. Φίλι (Fili) is the Greek word for Kiss and

ΔÏŒρο (Doro) means Present.

"Kiss the Present"

We want to remind you to

"welcome the gift of the Present."

Our coming together was by divine design. We have consciously manifested one another and everything that happened afterward. We learned, understood, and experienced that everything is based on our mindset, on our belief system, on how we perceive and narrate/describe the world around us. Nobody but “me” is the narrator and creator of everything that is happening around “me”.

Manifestation is happening all the time on an unconscious level but becoming aware of our deep-rooted power is the key to ultimate freedom.


We would like to take you on this journey to (re)discover your own power, your ingrained creational force, and the beauty and love inside of you. Let's reawake this amazingly huge potential inside of us and become the masters of our own life.


With body practices, meditations, coaching, and body treatments, and above all with love we guide you into the power of your own manifestation: a life of abundance, health, happiness, joy, and laughter.


We believe that every single one of us is very individual in our own needs and that is where we meet you, to guide you to the next level of your life with joy, understanding, and unconditional Love.



My greatest lesson was to learn from my own life path. I was fascinated, since I was young, to look deeper into everything.

I grew up with the teachings of the native people of Australia. My inborn wisdom as a child was leading me to an act of meditation before I even had a word for this.

I always had a strong connection towards the spiritual world and at the same time, I experienced myself intensively in the world of matter. I learned to balance myself in these different worlds and to benefit from this knowledge.

All this learning, understanding, and experiencing guided me to study and graduate as a Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist, Relaxation Coach, Reiki Master, and

CBT Coach (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).



Dance has been my greatest passion since I was a child. I always loved being free to move and dance.

I studied "Dance and Gymnastic Teacher" and worked as a dancer after I finished school. A herniated disc in my 20s led me to Pilates and Yoga. I graduated as a Peak and Power Pilates Trainer.

Nevertheless, I could not stand 100% behind the training methods. It was too narrow for me at times, too schematic, and too unfree. I love to try and reinvent movements, so I evolved myself gradually away from the classical methods towards a more individual body expression of motion. Every organism is so unique and it wants to be dealt with and move accordingly. Consequently, I  studied multiple Massage and Healing Techniques and I understood more and more that each body/mind has its own intelligence ingrained in itself for

healing to take place and this includes all levels of your body.

A body/mind heals itself if it is not forced to move against its nature. 

This profound understanding led me to study the Philosophy of Yoga Therapy and the human psyche with Life Coaching.

An authentic, enjoyable, joyful way to perform and experience anything is the key when it comes to (re)learning a new way of being. 

We, FiliDoro, are fascinated by the changes that everyone can achieve simply by taking the time and providing the space for oneself to have a closer look at the patterns inside, that define us and adjust them.

With our sessions that address and treat all levels of your being, we open up a You-niverse inside of You.


Here lies the secret of a


Success is not to be found in a hard, inexorable way of being, against oneself, but in the


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