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How do I avoid Negativity inside of me?

Autorenbild: filidorofilidoro

Hi, Lovelies,

How are you today?

It's a beautiful sunny day outside and I'm surrounded by nature where I live and I soooo appreciate that fact. When I look out of the windows I see forest, it is so nice after I have lived for quite a while in Berlin until 2015 and then I was on the road a lot, which brought me to many beautiful places but also some places, that were not well looked after.

For example in South America and India people just trough their rubbish into the street and that just doesn't look nice when you are having a walk in nature and there is rubbish everywhere on the sides. I had a real problem with that and I wasn't able to blend that out at all. Here in Australia, it is very clean, no rubbish anywhere in the streets or in nature. People just don't do littering here.

And you see the difference.

So, but, I was actually asking myself: Why?

  • Why wasn't I able to focus on the beauty instead of the rubbish?

  • Why was the rubbish disturbing me so badly, almost as if I felt personally attacked by this picture outside of me?

I always came back to the same conclusion, that I was making my happiness and inner peace dependent on outer circumstances.

You see what I'm heading for?

When we feel distracted and not at peace inside of ourselves that it is because we have made the decision to let ourselves be disturbed by something that is happening outside of us. It's always like that.

We inside of us, by nature, are in peace but we don't have any influence whatsoever on outer circumstances that are happening the way they do and we decide either to take them personally as an offense or as a complement or we would have the possibility to decide to not let this get to us at all.

  • We can decide to not get emotionally attached to anything that is happening around us.

We really do have the choice!

Now, your answer probably is: “But, do you actually think that I wanna feel uneasy, stressed, upset and confused??? It's not my decision to feel that way. If I could decide I would just be happy but all the things that are happening around, they are not nice and how am I supposed to close my eyes to this!?!

I know what you mean big times! Really.

But, yes!

It really is your decision what meaning you give to anything.

Nothing is really happening outside of you.

  • It is all happening from your perspective.

  • Nobody forces you to see war as something that is disturbing your inner peace.

  • Nobody forces you to see a natural disaster and feel bad about what is happening there.

I don't say that there are things happening in this manifested world that are not challenging to look at from our human perspective.

And yes! We also feel sad about people dying or being tortured.

But let me ask you one thing, what good does it do to beat yourself up for something that is happening on the other side of the world?

Are you able to help, make something better, or change anything with sadness, depression, and hate inside of your heart?

No, you can't.

If you are able to help someone then do it, go into action! DO something to make the world a better place, but do it from a place of LOVE not hate.

Becoming frustrated about the bad bad world is not helping at all.

We just feed more negativity into the matrix.

If we want to change the world we have to start with us, inside our hearts.

  • We need to be able to see the beauty instead of the rubbish.

  • Perceive the rubbish with the eyes of love, unconditional love.

  • A love that is not judging and giving labels: This is a beautiful tree but this rubbish is ugly......This is not how it works.

We can't reach our highest feeling of happiness that way.

If we understand our real nature, where we are coming from:

THE SOURCE, which is pure love,

then we understand that everything that is happening in this dimension is ISNESS.

It's not good or bad, it just IS.

And we are looking through the eyes of the creatoress, that is a mother with unconditional love towards her creation, It's pure love in her eyes.

  • So, try this, sit down in nature and just look in front of you.

  • Then start to go off-focus with your gaze, like a camera that becomes blurry

  • just rest there for a while, in this nothingness

  • realize how your mind stops to judge or chitchat or evaluate the situation or a feeling.

  • You will just become beautifully peaceful and at ease inside.

  • Stay with this feeling and go with this state out of the practice.

  • Hold it for the rest of the day, just with ease not with hard trying!

Practice this again and again because we are beings that are actually programmed through practicing. Everything that makes us the way we are today was achieved through practice.

Now it is time for you to rewrite your blueprint, change your program and become exactly who and how you wish and imagine yourself to be.

Embody the mastery of seeing through the eyes of the source, of pure love without any conditions and

you will become a new yoU.

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