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Autorenbild: filidorofilidoro

In our life, we ​​generally want to put things, circumstances, or people into a drawer to make it easier for us to assess a situation.

On the one hand, this is a completely normal process of the brain, on the other hand, it limits us:

“If you name me, you negate me. By giving me a name, a label, you are negating all the other things that I could possibly be".~ Søren Kierkegaard.

When we are biased, we want to evaluate everything around us. We trust or distrust others based on this rating.

But do we distrust others or ourselves?

I realized for myself that I basically only mistrust myself when I think that I cannot trust others. I question my life path, which is my own creation and which I have decided to walk, in order to learn and grow.

Everything I encounter on this path is divine in its essence and only there to help me advance, understand more, and have new insights.

That's why impartiality is so important to me.

I keep reminding myself that every situation, every person, and every circumstance is only there for my OWN GOOD


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